From Ordinary Student to Renowned Teacher: CA Raja's Incredible Journey

"Keep in mind that you have the ability to accomplish everything you set your mind to. Believe in yourself and your ability, and do not surrender when confronted with obstacles or failures. With patience and a good attitude, it is possible to overcome any obstacle and achieve one's goals."

From Ordinary Student to Renowned Teacher: CA Raja's Incredible Journey

This motivational aphorism is brought to life in the person of CA Raja. He was born and reared in Chennai, but he didn't become an outstanding student until the eighth grade. Nevertheless, things shifted when he made the acquaintance of Prema Rani, who was teaching history at the time. She instilled in him the drive and determination, as well as the confidence, that he need to succeed academically. CA Raja's mathematics teacher, Shri.R.Manimaran, inspired him to want to become a teacher while he was in the tenth grade. As a result, CA Raja now has a strong passion for instructing others.

CA Raja attended Loyola College in Chennai for both his undergraduate studies in commerce and his subsequent studies in accountancy for the same city. After that, he spent four years in the credit analysis department of the mid-corporate group of the State Bank of India. At this time, he was exposed to a substantial amount of material in the fields of credit analysis, financial analysis, and project finance. Within a relatively brief amount of time, he was given the opportunity to advance his career to the position of Team Leader in the Credit Processing Cell.

Following a total of four years, he opened his own CA practise, which remained in operation for the subsequent 7.5 years. But, because of his enthusiasm for instructing others, he decided to launch his own online learning academy under the name CA Raja Courses. Now, he is a professor who teaches banking, finance, and credit to professionals, students, and executives of banks and financial institutions. Also, he is an instructor on Udemy, where more than 200,000 students from all over the world have enrolled in his programmes and are receiving instruction from him. Teaching is his calling, as evidenced by the fact that his YouTube channel, CA Raja Courses, has more than 125,000 members.

CA Raja, who was an average student in the past, found motivation in his professors and went on to become a highly sought-after teacher himself, despite the fact that he had been an average student. Because he followed his passion for teaching, he has had an impact on the lives of a significant number of students and professionals all over the world. His life serves as a lesson that it's never too late to go after your goals, and that anyone, regardless of their history, is capable of overcoming adversity and making a positive impact on the world.

Several others have been motivated to pursue careers in banking and finance as a result of CA Raja's commitment to passing on his expertise and enthusiasm for teaching. His life is evidence that anyone can accomplish significant goals in life if they put in the effort, are dedicated, and are passionate about what they do.




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