What is Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS)?
The Regional Connectivity Scheme is aimed at making flying available to the masses, encouraging tourism, boosting jobs and promoting balanced regional development. It also tries to make life un-served, airports and under-served ones..

- What are the clauses under the performance guarantee?
Some of the main conditions are as follows: a) The operator of the airline shall enter into a three-year contract.For the Department for Implementation. (b) Request a fee for a performance guarantee of 5% of the overall VGFF Quantity. c) Additional assurance needed for non-operational airports.
- What are the proposal submission requirements of an airline/helicopter operator under the RCS?
As part of the submission of a request, the applicant is expected to apply the details referred to in the request.
As may be defined in detail from time to time, the following categories: a) Details about the applicant b) Technical proposal c) Financial proposal b) Technical proposal c) Financial proposal.
- What is Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS)?
The Regional Connectivity Scheme is aimed at making flying available to the masses, encouraging tourism, boosting jobs and promoting balanced regional development. It also tries to make life un-served, airports and under-served ones.
- What are the major objective under the National Policy on Civil Aviation 2016?
Significant goals under the National Civil Aviation Policy: I create an integrated eco-system to create an integrated eco-system.
This will lead to substantial growth in the civil aviation sector, which will in turn encourage tourism and increase tourism.
Jobs and contribute to sustainable regional development. (ii) Ensure the protection, security and sustainability of the aviation sector by using technology and monitoring effectively. (iii) Improve regional cooperation through fiscal support and the growth of infrastructure. iv) Improving the ease of doing business by deregulation, streamlined processes and e-governance. (v) Encourage the whole chain of the aviation sector in a harmonized manner, including freight, MRO, general aviation, aerospace and skills growth.
- What is the procedure to carry out cargo services related to transactions electronically with AAI?
Any exporter/importer- import / Customs House Agents / Airlines etc. who would like to transact with AAI electronically would be required to register with AAI Registration is also mandatory for activities of Message Exchange. The phase of registration: The user has to fill in the physical details.
Please send a registration form with the related documents to the Airports Authority of India (AAI). AAI will assess the correctness of the submitted information. In order to allow AAI to carry out further correspondence about user ID and password allocation, users are required to fill in the valid e-mail address and phone number(s) in the registration form. Users are asked to change the password(s) given by AAI immediately. Non-registered users are not limited to functionality relating to Consignment Status, Estimate Sheet Fee Estimation and Cargo Procedures. For registered users, the same features are available. In addition, authorized users have the right to view functionality related to documents related to the printing of charges, payment transfers and statements related to the PreDeposit account.
- What is the procedure for seeking a waiver of demurrage charges in import/ export?
All applications shall be submitted along with the appropriate documentation concerning the waiver of demurrage charges. The 'Passed out of charge' is released by customs authorities within 15 calendar days of the date.
However, there will be a delay of 15 days for submission and up to 30 days for submission.
APD / GM(Cargo) & M(Ops) with the explanation for delay and local finance condonation, respectively. In order to waive demurrage charges accrued on export / import cargo, AAI has provisions for
Deserving cases, as accepted by the AAI Board according to the existing policy. The policy's salient characteristics are
- Request to accept the waiver submitted by hand, on the spot.
- Waiver of Method applications within 15 days, if within local jurisdiction, and 30 days for cases referred to in the AAIIHqrs. Wherever, along with applications, all the necessary appropriate documentation are given.
- Request to be made by the consignee / shipper within the framework of the Waiver / Remission of Demurrage Charges15 days after the Customs" Out of Charge "or" Let Export Order "is passed on the consignment, at the appropriate airports, to the Airport Director/ G.M.(Cargo)/Dy. General Manager(Cargo), AAI. It has legible photocopies of relevant documents, such as AWB, Bill of Entry, should be followed byShipping Bill, Detention Certificate (with Customs Inspection Report, Pass" free of charge "etc.),
- If any, of legislative force. 4. An appeal to the AAI Appellate may also be made by the consignee / shipper authority to reconsider the order provided. There is a copy of the waiver agreement with the In-charge ofCargo Dept., AAI and on AAI's website.
- What is the policy of Govt. of India on airport infrastructures?
As stated by the Govt. No Greenfield of India's Policy on Airport Infrastructures released in December 1999Airports would usually be permitted within 150 kms of the nearest existing airport.
From where the Govt. decides to build a new airport in such a location via AAI on social economics.Even if it is not economically feasible, the required grant-in-aid would be taken into account.
Offered to AAI to offset both the initial cost of capital and recurring losses.
- Whether Passenger Service Fees (PSF) is levied to passengers fund development of new airports?
Passenger Service Fees (PSF) is levied to meet the expenditure on airport security and passenger facilities at the airports and it is not utilized to fund new development / upgradation of airports.
- What is the Development Fee (DF) and why development fee is charged by airport operators?
Development fee is a levy made for funding or financing under Section 22A of the AAI Act, 1994, inter-alia,Support for the expense of updating, modernizing or expanding the airport. The levy is situated in the existence of a fee for "pre-funding" and is consistent with ICAO policies.
- Which are the concerned industry associations for aviation sector?
Federation of Indian Airlines is the concerned industry association for aviation sector.
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