"The secret behind Size Zero Cafe's continued success"

Ruchit, a young man with a lifelong interest for eating. After earning his engineering degree, he had a corporate position for some time. But, he quickly recognised that he was not suited for the 9-to-5 lifestyle and desired a more rewarding occupation. As a Gujarati, Ruchit envisioned launching his own business, and he desired for it to be successful.

"The secret behind Size Zero Cafe's continued success"
The narrative of Ruchit Goswami is not just one of achievement; rather, it is one of endurance, hard work, and never-ending tries. The story of how he went from being a graduate of mechanical engineering to being a co-founder of Size Zero Café Restro is one that is filled with grit and dedication.
He spent his childhood in Rajkot, Gujarat, and received his degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Gujarat in 2014. Following graduating, he started his job with JJPV Solar, a solar panel manufacturing firm in Rajkot, as a sales professional. Ruchit worked for around 8–9 months at JJPV Solar before coming to the conclusion that he wanted to look into other possibilities.
He had a lifelong interest in running his own business and had a particular passion for the restaurant industry. Ruchit, together with her two co-founders, made the courageous decision to launch their own food company and take the leap of faith. The three business partners came to the conclusion that they would launch their venture with paanipuri, a renowned street meal in India. They observed that Paanipuri was offered in all locations, despite the fact that there was no distinct brand on the market at the time that served the entirety of the nation with consistent tastes and sanitation. They recognised a great possibility in this enormous market and sought to develop a brand around Paanipuri. In this way, Size Zero Paani Puri came to be, taking the form of the idealised female body known as "size zero" in an effort to appeal to a female audience.
When the partners first started looking for a suitable location for their firm, they ran into some difficulties. They attempted with real estate agents and a couple of land brokers but were unable to find a suitable place owing to the lack of funds. Following a long search, one of Ruchit's partners advised attempting to secure some space at Marwadi University, a well-established university in Rajkot(Gujarat) with roughly 10,000-12,000 students at the time. After submitting applications and making many trips to the institution, the partners were ultimately accepted into the academic programme of their choice. They operated out of a secluded part of the campus for the first year before moving into the main building of the university and progressively growing in size. They chose not to recruit any employees in the beginning stages of the company for two reasons: first, to reduce their financial outlay, and second, to gain experience in the day-to-day operations of the company, which was beneficial to them in the long term.
As the company expanded, Ruchit and his staff were able to improve by reflecting on previous failures and gaining valuable work experience. They designed a menu, recipes, standard operating procedures, and protocols for personnel recruiting. They began to franchise their company, at which time they gained knowledge about performance marketing, advertising, digital agencies, and a great deal more. The number of clients gradually increased by a factor of two, which necessitated the hiring of a human resources manager, a procurement manager, a manager of the warehouse and dispatch, a franchise relationship manager, and an accountant.
In recent years, Gujarat's Size Zero Café Restro has established itself as a thriving business, expanding to many sites around the state. The original Paanipuri store eventually transformed into a cafeteria, which specialises in serving reasonably priced and nutritious cuisine to college students. The valuation of the company, which began with only 15,000 to 20,000 in 2015, is currently somewhere between 80 and 90 cr. More than one hundred people work for Ruchit, and the company has locations all throughout Gujarat, including Jamnagar, Dwaraka, Junagadh, Gandhidham, Surendranagar, Porbandar,Morbi,Valsad, Navsari, and Gandhinagar, in addition to their five stores in Rajkot.
The voyage was not without its share of difficulties, despite the fact that it was ultimately successful. Finding a good location and figuring out how to franchise the firm were just two of the many hurdles that Ruchit and his business partners had to overcome. Because of the significant overhead costs associated with the beginning of the Paanipuri business, they were forced to alter the menu in order to turn a profit.
The narrative of Ruchit is illustrative of the power that can be achieved by tenacity, commitment, and hard effort. He followed his passion and was willing to take risks, and as a result, his firm is thriving now. His path demonstrates that if one has the correct mentality, the appropriate abilities, and the appropriate thinking, then everything is possible.
Ruchit quickly came to the conclusion that, despite the popularity of his cafe, he was lacking in several areas as an entrepreneur. It had never occurred to him or anybody on his team to delegate any work; rather, they had always taught themselves and completed everything themselves. Because of this, their growth was stifled, and it became increasingly difficult for them to stay up with the industry rivals. Ruchit, however, grew as a result of this experience and now comprehended the significance of learning when and how to delegate work to people who have the skills necessary to complete it.
The gratitude that Ruchit received from his clients was the primary source of joy for him when he was establishing Size Zero Café. Customers raved about the delicious cuisine and chill atmosphere of the café on social media, which resulted in an increase in foot traffic and revenue for the establishment. Ruchit was overjoyed to observe that the people liked and respected the concept that he had proposed.
Ruchit had significant personal development as a result of the ordeal of opening and operating Size Zero Café. He was required to acquire a great deal of new knowledge and expertise, some of which included cost optimization, planning, and year-end predictions. In addition to that, he was required to step outside of his comfort zone by attending investor meetings, learning how to give speeches in public, and making friends with others who worked in the same industry as him. This encounter provided him with a wealth of knowledge and contributed significantly to his personal development.
On the other hand, Ruchit's family presented him with a few difficulties. It was previously established that his older brother was successful in business, and both of his parents worked for the government. They anticipated that Ruchit would work for the government, but he had other goals in mind for his future. He did not inform his parents that he had opened Size Zero Café, and he kept visiting to his store on a daily basis after he had opened it. Since they were embarrassed by him, his family never introduced him to their customers or clients in the capacity as business owners. Ruchit was going through a challenging period, but everything started to turn around when his brother asked for a franchise in Rajkot. Once again, Ruchit's family felt proud of him and the success of his firm.
As he thinks about it now, Ruchit wishes that he had started delegating work sooner rather than later. Ruchit's path as a founder was full of both joy and suffering, as well as moments of both strength and weakness; yet, it was through these experiences that he was able to learn invaluable lessons that he will take with him for the rest of his life.

Focus on executing your idea and success will follow

Ruchit Goswami,

Founder, Size Zero Cafe Restro

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