ForFurs - Premium Pet Accessory Brand, Based in Kanpur
Good Pets deserve Great Products!

Vanya stands rendering supreme experiences to quality-conscious pet owners. With personal experiences enabling her to understand exactly what their pet’s need, and how valuable their care is, Vanya has transpired Forfurs to cater to every need of Pet Parents. All the material used in the process of manufacturing is handpicked for Design, Comfort, and Durability.
Good Pets deserve Great Products!
Choosing the right products is of vital importance. Proper fit is important, not only for the equipment to work properly but also for the dog’s comfort and safety. The durability of the dog gear determines your dog’s safety during walk. A flimsy leash might break off and cause an accident for your dog.
Collars or harnesses that are use low-quality fabrics can rub hair and skin off.
Dogs toys which use low-quality material can cause dogs to choke as they put the toys in mouth.
It’s important to use the right dog bed for older dogs to provide them comfort.
We understand what it’s like to be a pet parent and how valuable their care is. Forfurs has been transpired to cater to exactly that care.
Forfurs cater to Dogs, cats and horses accessories.
Premium raw material
Handmade in small batches in our workshop
We currently have vibrant collars and leashes in different designs and a variety of colour combinations and sizes. Every product is made using sturdy hardware which is made to last years. Similarly, the polyester fabric used is custom made in such a way that’s its lightweight yet has more strength than usual nylon collars.
Pet accessory is a huge market with quality dog gears available in developed countries. However, the segment is pretty new for the Indian market. It’s only now that people have moved from being pet owners to pet parents. There aren’t many brands presently especially in Tier 2 cities which is why I think there is a huge scope there. People are still buying from local pet stores where there aren’t many options as far as accessories are concerned. Yet, it a growing market with huge potential. It is currently one of the fastest-growing markets in India.
We want to cater to the accessories section with a focus on dog collars and leashes and provide customised product to every dog no matter the breed or size.
Pampering our fur balls with handcrafted additions to their daily routines is what Forfurs is all about. Our four-pawed buddies deserve all that and more.
Forfurs comes to the rescue of dutiful pet parents, coinciding utmost quality, style, and functionality, in equal doses for all our products. Our organisation came to be for that very purpose – to help you coddle your pets with premium handcrafted products. You can think of us as the ultimate style partner for your canines and cats. Forfurs prides itself on being a necessity first, and an accessory second. Apart from cats and dogs, we also cater to equestrian products for racehorses. Looking forth to expanding into further domains, Forfurs is your one-stop pooch shop for every requirement.
About Founders and Co-Founders
I was never really a dog lover. But things started to look different when my brother introduced another member to the family, Hugo.
That is exactly what pets do. They enter your life and bring with them only positivity and selfless companionship. To say the least, my fear for dogs was then replaced by love for that one, and scouting for quality goodies for him became a new hobby. My hometown, Kanpur is a major hub for manufacturing and export of equestrian and pet accessories to all around the world, and after visiting a couple of these manufacturing units I realized that there is immense difference in the quality of products sold in the Indian market and those exported overseas. That is where it all started. I decided to set up a manufacturing workshop for handmade products in this space. I started manufacturing and exporting equestrian and pet products to the European market to learn about the industry and eventually participated in international trade fairs to gain further insight. After gaining experience and developing products for European brands, I decided to launch a brand in India to provide supreme experience to quality-conscious pet owners. I understand what it’s like to be a pet parent and how valuable their care is. Forfurs has been transpired to cater to exactly that are. I was born and brought up in Kanpur and moved to Delhi University for my bachelor’s in commerce honours from ARSD College. Thereafter, I did my MBA(HR) from the Delhi School of Economics. I worked as Human resources Officer in Future Group, Gurgaon for one year. Thereafter, I moved back to my hometown in 2014 and started exporting equestrian and pet products. In December 2018, I launched Forfurs.
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