An entrepreneurial success story --- How V P Techno Lab established its foothold overcoming the initial hurdles

In this age of booming startups, starting a new one is always troublesome. Here is the journey of V P Techno Lab International, that came from lacking a office space to acquiring more than 300 international clients. Their problems and their innovative solutions, can be a guideline for your path to a successful startup.

An entrepreneurial success story --- How V P Techno Lab established its foothold overcoming the initial hurdles

1. A brief summary of your startup

The VP Techno Labs International is a multi-award-winning, globally renowned cyber-security organisation with more than 300 clients in over 50 Fortune Top 500 companies and more than 300 clients worldwide. It is specialised in data and disaster recovery, penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, IT compliance, and auditing.

A guarantee against threats is provided by our cybersecurity defense. We pledge to offer high-quality services with Zero False Positive SLAs and up to 95% protection accuracy. The business was founded by Mr. Vivek Pancholi, an enthusiastic ethical hacker by trade, and all of the hackers were chosen by him. Therefore, there is no compromise on quality.

2. Why and how did you establish your business?

The company's founder and CEO, Mr. Vivek Pancholi, graduated in 2019 and then submitted a job application. He managed to pick and launch a business close to Ahmedabad, his hometown. Due to his work environment and travel, he became exhausted and unproductive in just one week. He also developed health issues, which completely destroyed his personal life.

Because his parents are elderly and no one was available to care for them, he had to take care of them. Then, he went to HR's cabin and spoke with her about his issues. He was informed by HR that by leaving the company, he was harming his life by combining his personal and professional lives. He left the company, and now it wanted 20,000 rupees to release the bond!

He managed to arrange money despite his poor financial situation at the time and wrote a check to the business. He feels that having parents is more important than having a job. He challenged this company, and he promised to meet them very soon, he said the HR. Mr. Vivek Pancholi began working 12 hours per day and 84 hours per week until he suddenly realised he could launch his own business.

V P Techno Labs has acquired 100+ international clients in less than two years because of great productivity and creative ideas. He then hired some competent employees, and ironically, the founder hired the same HR to work for his firm with a salary that was twice as high as that of the earlier one. When she understood what she had done, she felt bad.

3. What have been the main reasons for your success?

These are the biggest success-related critical elements:

  • Emphasizing the quality of products and services rather than raw numbers.
  • Constant learning, upskiling, and market research.
  • High levels of productivity and originality
  • Employee work processes and problem-solving skills
  • Support from Clients and Partners

4. What have been the biggest obstacles in starting and maintaining the business?

  • Time management and unstable growth for worldwide initiatives.
  • A lack of funding when the company first started.
  • For the first 1.5 years, the founder manages all clients, oversees projects, schedules meetings, travels to customers' locations, offers ongoing assistance, and creates the necessary internal web portals to manage all the data in digital form.
  • There is no investor, incubator, or mentor.
  • Managing the workload takes more time while working from home in the beginning because we don't have an office space for the first year.

5. Which do you believe to be more crucial: the right team, the right product, or the right market?

Due to their equal importance, these things cannot be compared.

  • Importance of the right team, right market, and right product all at once.
  • How can a person manage clients if they have the appropriate experience and knowledge of the target market but the wrong product or team?
  • How can they get recognised in the intended market?
  • How can someone manage the workload if they have the correct product but not the right team or the suitable market? Moreover to whom and how do they sell?
  • Who does someone work for if they have the right team but not the right product or the right market? And how do they handle their intended audience?

6. Some parting comments for people pursuing the entrepreneurial dream

We at VP Techno, recommend including the following points!

  • Concentrate on how your skills will help you scale your firm and address real-world problems.
  • Always have backup and risk strategies in place, whether you work for a company or run your own business.
  • Be tenacious in your vision and be prepared to take calculated risk!
  • Maintain consistency and self-motivation; never procrastinate and jeopardise your success.
  • Always stay current on business developments and market requirements using demand and supply methodologies!

Pre-Requisites of the company:

1. Quote or any Tagline that helps the customer to believe in you.

“Protecting what matters most to your business.”

2. What problem are you attempting to solve? or what possibility do you offer by purchasing your goods or service?

Problems We are Trying to Solve:

Complicated cyber risks that have an impact on business customers' revenue and reputation. We shall safeguard it by coating it in protection.

The concept is much simpler. VAPT (Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing) is typically a time-consuming, costly, and risky process. We will devise methods that will make this procedure more straightforward, cost effective, and uncomplicated than ever before.

Now the consumer can sit back and relax as we strive to guarantee they are secured in every way.

3. About the product/service that V P Techno offers & how it is different from others ?

By providing security assessment and penetration testing with Zero False Positive SLAs, we are revolutionizing the cyber security business. This is a refund promise. Triple Shield DeReEN is possible because of our unique technique.

We at V P Techno can test consumer digital assets while they are in production mode using these approaches without impacting any data or customers.

We offer our customers 24/7/365 support and emergency breach incident response minimization.

We will give all of this at a reasonable cost and 40% less expensive and 70% more effective than comparable companies.

Our offering and quality distinguishes us from other players, and we have extensive networks of collaborators and partner companies. They collaborate with us to achieve both consumers' objectives.

4. About Founders and Co-Founders:

 Founder & CEO:

 Mr. Vivek Pancholi

Founder & CEO of The VP Techno Labs® International

B.E. (Computer), ICSI | CNSS, NSE 3, ISO 9001 | 20000 | 27001 Lead Implementer & Lead Auditor

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