Choosing a choice is never simple, regardless of whether one is a youngster, student, professional, or entrepreneur.

After graduating and passing the CPT test many years ago, I followed the CA course procedure for the following five years. Then, I spent around eight years in the business area. My ambition, though, has always been to do something for my country, particularly for the kids, who are the future of our nation. After leaving my previous position, I created the business JustQuik.

Choosing a choice is never simple, regardless of whether one is a youngster, student, professional, or entrepreneur.
Over the course of several months, the number of consumers who trusted my services progressively increased. The entrepreneur in me was thrilled and enthusiastic about the expanding opportunities. Life, however, had other intentions. My business began to decline with the introduction of demonetisation and its subsequent impacts.
I was soon compelled to shut down the startup to minimise more losses. That was a difficult moment, and accepting reality was not simple. I was agitated and depressed. My career had reached a stalemate. But I knew I had to take action. I needed to rediscover myself and reorder my priorities. The notion of my unrealized ambition gnawed at me.

The Journey from a Dream to Reality

Thirteen years—that’s what it took to convert my dream of helping the youth into reality by establishing TYB10X. This journey is filled with ups and downs, learning, realisation, and hard work.

As someone who took almost a decade and a half to get to this stage, I want the youth of my country, the next generation, to make the right decision at the right time. Don’t flutter from one choice to another. Don’t waste precious years trying multiple things only to realise that none of them is satisfying.

Starting TYB10X is my way to achieve my life’s mission of helping and guiding the Indian youth toward their ambitions. Imagine how wonderful it would feel to know where you want to go in your life. My ambition was to become the bridge that filled the gap between a young mind’s ideas and actions, to steer them on the right path by empowering them to learn proper decision-making.

It feels rewarding and humbling to see the results. It boosts my confidence to note that TYB10X has conducted more than 10,000 DMIT tests to scientifically assess young minds and help them understand their talents and abilities.

Of course, the journey hasn’t been easy. Starting multiple times from scratch requires grit and dedication. Creating TYB10X gave me renewed hope that I was making a difference in the country. It took countless hours of hard work in the last three years to get to this point.

I travelled across all of India for more than 60,000 kilometres to get closer to the youth from different societies. This helped me set up 122 franchises in 14+ states, taking me closer to my goal of empowering 5 million Indian youth in 5 years.

I know I’ve just started. The company has been evaluated at Rs. 20 crores in three years. Though my mission is more about India’s youth, I also need to set an example to show them that taking control of their careers has emotional and monetary rewards.

The Need for a Scientific Approach and DMIT

The DMIT Test helps people make the right decisions based on their abilities, interests, and personalities. This is exactly what I wanted for our confused and overwhelmed youth.

TYB10X stands for Train Your Brain 10x and has the tagline "creating the new breed." It is a place where children and youth (or even adults) learn to sync their potential and abilities with their career choices through scientific assessment and counselling.

My nation has enormous untapped potential, but its young people lack the scientific knowledge they need to make informed choices when the time comes to do so.
The Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligences Test, often known as DMIT for short, is a scientific and advanced examination that seeks to evaluate a person's actual potential, qualities, talents, strengths, and limitations in order to determine the appropriate professional path. This is a test that incorporates dermatoglyphics, genetics, embryology, neurology, and paediatric psychology.
We administer the examinations to all age groups, including children, students, professionals, and adults. The fact that the test is not restricted to specific professional paths is perhaps the finest aspect about it. It assists individuals in better comprehending themselves as well as enhancing the quality of their connections with other people. There will be no more perplexity, uncertainty, doubt, or dread. Discovering who you are is the first step in becoming a more improved version of yourself.
What took me thirteen years to accomplish should be accomplished by future generations in fewer than twelve months. This motivates me to put in even more effort to educate others about the significance of applying scientific methods to evaluate the thought processes of young people and give them the agency to make the best choices for their futures.
Bad situations undoubtedly make us stronger. On the other hand, this does not imply that every single person must have struggles in order to be successful. By enrolling in DMIT, we may steer clear of the traps and hazards associated with picking the incorrect career path or entering an area that isn't a good fit for our personality. When the evaluation is carried out on children at a younger age, it provides parents with a more accurate depiction of their children's skills.
Wouldn't it be amazing if parents supported the unorthodox job paths that their children choose to pursue? Children with artistic talents don't have to feel pressured to pursue careers that won't encourage their creative development. When young people in our nation make job choices based on the results of scientific assessment exams, they will be more sure of themselves, more aggressive, and more confident.
Empowering young people is just one aspect of my overall aim. I want TYB10X to be known as a facility that provides competent and effective counselling education. According to the findings of my research, there was only one counsellor for every 100,000 children and adolescents, but in nations like the United States, there was one counsellor for every 500 young people. Even if there has been a little increase in numbers, we are still worryingly at a low position and have an urgent requirement for competent and compassionate counsellors.
My goal is to teach 5,000 new counsellors each year with the help of the counsellor training course. This will ease strain on the counsellors who are already accessible and make it possible for the children of today to reach out to an educated individual who is located in their neighbourhood. We are aware of how challenging it might be for a youngster to travel from a rural part of the country to reach more populous areas in order to utilise standard services. I want to close this gap and make sure that our young people have access to counsellors who are trained and experienced so they can get their lives on the right track. I make it such that every single person who enrols in the course finds a job. Isn't that what we desire for our community as a whole?

Our country can be a superpower when the youth make decisions based on their strengths and abilities identified through a scientific test like DMIT.

About Kuldeep Singh Chauhan

Kuldeep Singh Chauhan is an entrepreneur, CEO, and founder of TYB10X and has eight years of corporate experience in the banking and NBFC sectors. He is a certified NLP practitioner and an associate life coach.

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